I have a SortedDictionary:
static SortedDictionary<string, int> myDictionary = new SortedDictionary<string, int>();
where the keys represent strings something like that:
string key = someNumber + " " + row + " " + col + " " + someString;
What I want is to find all the items in the sorted dictionary that have specific row and col. For example if I have the following keys:
1 2 3 p
3 2 3 p
2 2 3 t
5 1 6 p
8 2 1 p
7 2 3 t
I want to get only these keys that have row=2 and col=3:
1 2 3 p
3 2 3 p
2 2 3 t
7 2 3 t
Unfortunately in this case you need to iterate over the whole collection and select the items that match your criteria (so not much use of the dictionary itself):
public IList<int> FindValues(int row, int col)
.Where(item => MatchKey(item.Key, row, col))
.Select(item => item.Value)
public bool MatchKey(string key, int row, int col)
var splitKey = key.Split();
return splitKey[1] == row.ToString() && splitKey[2] == col.ToString();
// or match the key according to your logic
Though if you need to query by row and column often, then it's better to build a different data structure first. Maybe
Dictionary<Coord, IList<int>> myDict;
Where Coord is a class/struct (and overrides Equals, GetHashCode)
class Coord
public int Row { get; set; }
public int Column { get; set; }