This is not a homework. I am trying to do exercises from a textbook to understand MST (minimum spanning tree)
Suppose I have a cycle C
in a weighted undirected graph G
. As I understand, the following is correct:
belongs to no MST of G
. That is, there is no MST of G
, which contains that edge.C
belongs to some MST of G
. That is, there is an MST of G
, which contains that edge. Now I wonder if the followings claims are correct too.
belongs to all MST of G
. That is, there is no MST of G
, which does not contain that edge. C
except the heaviest one belongs to some MST. That is, for each edge in C
except the heaviest one there is an MST, which contains that edge.Could you prove the last claim?
Even for the first claim if there are multiple edges which are lightest, all need not be included in the MST.