I've a 3-tier application (client, server, dbms) and I'm looking for an Permission- /roleframework. I know a Role- / Permissionframework in Java EE with GlassFish. The framework that I'm looking for, should approach.
With the permissions I want to verify that a user in a specific role can use a business case.
Do you know something like this?
In .NET you would typically use the built in Membership provider. You can use it out of the box, or implement a set of interfaces that will give you all the functionality you need. You can find all the info about it here :
This question on SO has more details on why you might want to use it:
Is *not* using the asp.net membership provider a bad idea?
Rhino.Security would be an existing alternative. I have never used it myself though, so I cannot recommend it. You will find a lot of info on this blog : http://ayende.com/blog/tags/rhino-security