I am trying to upload a file in an application. I empty my browsing data or somehow end my session and then I hit upload. I select a file from my filesystem and I get a forbidden (403) error from Django's server. csrf.py's code get executed.
if not constant_time_compare(request_csrf_token, csrf_token):
logger.warning('Forbidden (%s): %s',
REASON_BAD_TOKEN, request.path,
'status_code': 403,
'request': request,
return self._reject(request, REASON_BAD_TOKEN)
Now, that I dont want to change Django's code, how do I present 401 to the user and not 403. I dont want to capture 403 from server and change it to 401 in my Javascript. Any other solutions?? Thanks
setting allows you to
write your own view for CSRF failures. You could write one that returns HTTP status 401.