I have a little problem. I want to have an Edit control in which is a text (something like this: "ABC@") . This string must be non editable so that the user shouldn't be able to delete it. The user should be able to type a text after the sign '@' only. I know how to make text readonly in editbox. I use EM_SETREADONLY message
//global variables
#define ID_TEXTBOX 1
static HWND hwndTextBox;
//in WndProc function
hwndTextBox = CreateWindow(TEXT("EDIT"),TEXT("abc@"),WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER ,70,100, 200,25,hWnd,(HMENU)ID_TEXTBOX,NULL,NULL);
if(!hwndTextBox )
return FALSE;
SendMessage(hwndTextBox,EM_SETREADONLY,TRUE ,NULL);
but the code makes whole text readonly and of course does not solve my problem.
Use a RichEdit control instead of an Edit control. Use the EM_SETCHARFORMAT
message to mark individual characters, or ranges of characters, as "protected". Use the EM_SETEVENTMASK
message to register for EN_PROTECTED
notifications from the RichEdit. That way, if a user tries to modify one or more protected characters for any reason, the RichEdit will ask for your permission before allowing the modification.