As part of a project, the Mono program has to write a series of images to a movie. Therefore the images are first cached in the /tmp/
folder/ since their is a possibility that their are still images of a previous session. I want te remove these images. Therefore I use the following commands:
Process proc = new Process();
proc.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "rm";
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "/tmp/output*";
However when the program is executed I get the following warning: /bin/rm: cannot remove '/tmp/output*': No such file or directory.
However when I executed /bin/rm /tmp/output*
in the terminal (in user mode), the command doesn't seem to have a problem recognizing the files.
Why does this command doesn't work?
Spawning an external process for this is terrible. Just use the standard System.IO
APIs, for instance:
foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles ("/tmp", "output*")) {
try {
File.Delete (file);
} catch {
; // optionally report error
You may also use the overload that takes a SearchOption
argument to recursively search in subdirectories. See