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Cant run build: How to stop EAZFuscator from interfering?

Hey I uninstalled EAZFuscator from my computer but when I try to build my solution in Visual Studio, I keep getting this error which stops the build:

The command "if /I "Release" == "Release" Eazfuscator.NET.exe "DIRECTORY WHERE RELEASE SOLUTION IS LOCATED" --msbuild-project-path ""DIRECTORY WHERE PROJECT SOLUTION IS LOCATED"" --msbuild-project-configuration "Release" --msbuild-project-platform "x86" --msbuild-solution-path ""DIRECTORY WHERE PROJECT SOLUTION IS LOCATED"" -n --newline-flush -v 3.3" exited with code 9009. 

How do I stop EAZFuscator from interfering with my builds? Thanks!


  • Please take a look at the corresponding knowledge base article