found : (Int, String, Option[java.lang.String])
required: (Int, String, Option[java.lang.String])
Pertinent code:
object M extends Table[(Int, String, Option[String])]("table") {
def msaid = column[Int]("msaid", O NotNull)
def name = column[String]("name", O DBType "varchar(255)")
def shape = column[Option[String]]("shape")
def * = msaid ~ name ~ shape
type T = (Int, String, Option[java.lang.String])
def apply(msa: T) = 1
def q() = db withSession { s: Session => (for (r <- M) yield M(*)).list()(s) }
I've also tried
type T = (Int, String, Option[String])
The ultimate goal is that I want all the selected columns to converted into an Object with named accessors, instead of being a tuple.
Scala version 2.9.2 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_07).
Here's a Gist of the issue (slightly simplified from the above code and eliminates any String/java.lang.String "confusion" by using only Int.)
The error message didn't use to tell you which was the TupleN, though I think that was improved at some point. The mismatch is between a tuple and n args. Or not.
The fix is in 2.9.2. I notice your .sbt uses 2.9.1 scalaquery, in case that matters. And isn't obsolete? Sorry for half-helping.
Speaking as a non-user, it looks like a Projection2 is not the Tuple you seek, albeit a Product:
class Projection2 [T1, T2] extends (Column[T1], Column[T2]) with Projection[(T1, T2)]
scala> M.column[Int]("id") ~ M.column[Int]("n")
res1: (Int, Int) = Projection2
scala> M(res1)
<console>:23: error: type mismatch;
found : (Int, Int)
required: (Int, Int)
scala> M.apply
def apply(v: (Int, Int)): Int
scala> M.apply((1,2))
res3: Int = 1