I have the following section in my vs2010 web.config file. I need to replace /bin/ with /bin/config/ in each of the resource uri in the debugging envoirment. I trying to use the xdt:transformation and locator in web.debug.config and no transformation changes is need in web.release.config that can stay the same.
<resource uri="~/bin/file1.config.xml" />
<resource uri="~/bin/file2.config.xml" />
<resource uri="~/bin/file3.config.xml" />
I have tried couple of different approaches but nothing is working in the web.debug.config. Here is what I have which is not working. Please help.
<resource uri="~/bin/Config/file1.config.xml" xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Condition(//resource[@uri='~/bin/file1.config.xml']) "/>
<resource uri="~/bin/Config/file2.config.xml" xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Condition(//resource[@uri='~/bin/file2.config.xml']) "/>
<resource uri="~/bin/Config/file3.config.xml" xdt:Transform="Replace" xdt:Locator="Condition(//resource[@uri='~/bin/file3.config.xml']) "/>
UPDATE: I need to be able to do this from visual studio IDE Debugging my website.
1) First to be able run transformation from within visual studio switch between Debug, Release config files found this StackOverflow thread VS 2010 Web.config transformations for debugging
2) Actual transformation worked for me with changing "xdt:Locator="Condition(..." with "xdt:Locator="XPath(..."