Hello kind people of the internet,
I'm prepending and appending some text content as labels on the left and right side of a jQuery Mobile range slider, which works ok, but I can't seem to get the font to behave...the font is not displaying properly, and I can't seem to set/reset the label font either within the span.
Here's a test page: http://www.simdock.com/amort-test/dev-scratch/amort/scratchtesting-Slider-label-font-issue.html
Here's the javascript code that puts on the custom slider labels (minimum and maximum slider range values) on the left and right side of the slider:
sliderLabels: function(left,right) {
var $this = $(this);
var $sliderdiv= $this.next("div.ui-slider[role='application']");
.prepend('<span class="ui-slider-inner-label" style="position: absolute; left:0px; top:20px;">'+left+ '</span>')
.append('<span class="ui-slider-inner-label" style="position: absolute; right:0px; bottom:20px;">'+right+ '</span>');
$('#slider-PrincipleAmnt').sliderLabels('Min: $20', 'Max: $999');
I've tried many different iterations and attempts to explicitly set the font in the span, but alas, no luck.
I found the code originally out on the jquery forum at following link: https://forum.jquery.com/topic/how-do-i-add-text-labels-below-slider
The above link also has a jsfiddle, and the font comes out fine...so I just don't understand what I'm overlooking. http://jsfiddle.net/cUNyr/1/
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
Update note: both Jack and Taifun offered some very helpful tips and ideas, however, I'm still struggling with what and how exactly to alter on the CSS? I'm also puzzled/frustrated about how I would even be able to determine in the text font even has a 'shadow' in the first place?...here's the span CSS as shown in Firebug:
<span class="ui-slider-inner-label" style="position: absolute; left:0px; top:20px;">Min: $20</span>
There is no 'text shadow' attribute showing up in Firebug. Soooo, hmmmmm, what do I look for? and with what tool? Where is the 'text shadow' coming from? What would the CSS over-ride be?
At this point, how the odd-ball font appears, and how to fix it is still a bit of a mystery...but I'm sure there's an important lesson to be learned (a Zen thing: value your bugs) for the next time I run into a similar situation. Again: ya'll have been super helpful...and I feel like I'm close to having this figured out...but alas, not quite there yet.
in your example you are using data-theme="b" data-track-theme="a"
. Removing that you get a readable font. However if you like to use that theme, you can override the CSS as @Jack mentioned, more info here.
Overriding themes
The themes are meant as a solid starting point, but are meant to be customized. Since everything is controlled by CSS, it's easy to use a web inspector tool to identify the style properties you want to modify.
see also working example
EDIT: there is no need to create an external custom CSS file.... You can add this <style>
in the head of your html to override your CSS, see also this fiddle
.ui-slider-inner-label {