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Facing an issue object required error in IE 8 and light box is not working in IE 8 and IE 7 alone

I am implemented the uploaded images are displayed on the site . For the image not uploaded correctly means i replace the error-image on that? When i load the site I am facing the issue error image not define, and for the lightbox is loading in both chrome and firefox but its not loading in IE, displaying only the black background. Here is my code for displaying the error image and uploading image from the webservices.

Php Code :

foreach(object_2_array($ans->answerDocumentList) as $document){
    if ($document->documentHttpUrl!= ''):
        $document_name_explode = explode('.',$document->documentName);
        $file_type = trim($document_name_explode[1]);?>

    <div class="documentation_class" <?php if($k%2==0){?> style="float:none;margin-left:0px;" <?php }else{ ?> style="float:left;"<?php  } ?>>
        <?php if(($file_type!="") &&($file_type=="png" || $file_type=="jpg" || $file_type=="jpeg" || $file_type=="gif")){ ?>
        <a rel="lightbox[document]" href="<?php echo stripcslashes($document->documentHttpUrl); ?>">
            <img alt="<?php echo stripcslashes($document->documentName); ?>" src="<?php echo APP_FORUM_URL;?>/images/ajax-load.gif" dataimage="<?php echo stripcslashes($document->documentHttpUrl); ?>" class="document_image" style="max-width:644px !important;" onerror='errorImage("<?php echo RESOURCE_URL_BASE;?>",this);' border="0"  />
        <?php } else{
            echo $document->documentName;
        } ?>

        <div class="question_float_left download_link">
            <a href="<?php echo stripcslashes($document->documentHttpUrl); ?>">Click here to download this file</a>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $document->documentId; ?>" class="list_document_id"/>
        <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $document->documentName; ?>" class="list_document_title"/>
    <?php $k++; }?>

Function is:

  function errorImage(url,ctrl){'solid 1px black';
        ctrl.src='<?php echo APP_FORUM_URL; ?>images/broken-image.jpg';


  • Finally i Solved my problem , which i make the Lightbox to worked on the both IE 7 and the IE 8,

    I include the script file google api and google.load("jquery", "1"); google.load("jquery", "1");

    in the Header.php This is problem which conflict my lighbox.js file and other library files , then i removed that script and added the new script Js library

    And i changed all my script $ symbol to jQuery now i make the Lightbox to worked , in IE browser and also in all browser