I'm using a form to collect payments and using print_r, I can see the following in the output...
[customer] => ChargifyCustomer Object
[email] => [email protected]
[first_name] => John
[last_name] => Doe
[organization] =>
[reference] =>
[id] => 2588487
[created_at] => 2012-12-14T08:50:45-05:00
[updated_at] => 2012-12-14T08:50:45-05:00
The PHP to produce this output is seen below...
try {
$new_subscription = $subscription->create();
if ($new_subscription != '') {
// session_unset();
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
foreach ($new_subscription as $item) {
echo 'First Name' . $item->customer->first_name . '.';
Though every time I load the page, the first name is not being echoed. Instead, it just says 'First Name.' several times.
Please help out to determine where my error is.
You need to check the key:
foreach($new_subscription as $key => $item) {
if($key == 'first_name') {
echo "First Name: " . $item . '.';
But I don't know why you would do a foreach since $new_subscription is not an array of objects. In reality you should just say:
echo "First Name: " . $new_subscription->first_name. '.';