I am not sure if this is possible or what's the best way to do it? How can I get facet count in Solr where it counts as in following example.
Let's say I have got following values equal to the number of times they repeat in a field..
Tv = 100
Sony Tv = 10
LG Tv=10
Nokia Mobile= 5
iPhone Mobile = 4
If a user query is 'tv & mobile'. Based on above values in a field, How can I get the facets like...
Tv (120)
Mobile (9)
Based on the comment you gave to Jayendra's answer, you want to leverage Solr MultiValued fields to store those values and then facet on that multiValued field. This would give you the behavior you want for faceting.
Additionally, if you want to limit the facet results to a specific set of values, you will to supply a facet.query along with your request to Solr.