I'm migrating an out of date npm package from WAF to GYP, but having a few problems getting everything working. It runs a WSCRIPT which seems to include a 3rd party library:
import Options
from os import unlink, symlink, popen, sys
from os.path import exists
srcdir = '.'
blddir = 'build'
VERSION = '0.0.2'
def set_options(opt):
def configure(conf):
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
tc_framework = 'TelldusCore'
conf.env.append_value("FRAMEWORK_TC", tc_framework)
tc_frameworkpath = '/Library/Frameworks/TelldusCore.framework/'
conf.env.append_value("FRAMEWORKPATH_TC", tc_frameworkpath)
tc_lib = tc_frameworkpath + 'Headers/'
conf.env.append_value("CPPPATH_TC", tc_lib)
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
conf.env.LIB_TC = 'telldus-core'
#conf.env.LIBPATH_TC = ['/usr/lib']
#conf.env.CCFLAGS_TC = ['-O0']
conf.env.CCDEFINES_TC = ['TC']
#conf.env.LINKFLAGS_TC = ['-g']
raise ValueError("Dose not support: %r" % sys.platform)
def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib', 'node_addon')
obj.target = 'telldus'
obj.source = 'telldus.cc'
obj.uselib = "TC"
Now I've tried to convert it to a binding.gyp script, but not sure how to include the library:
"targets": [
"target_name": "tellduscorejs2",
"sources": [ "tellduscorejs2.cpp" ],
"conditions": [
['OS=="mac"', {
'defines': [
['OS=="linux"', {
'defines': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
If anyone could point out if I'm on the right lines or what I need to change to include the library it'd be appreciated!
I've actually done this for the telldus-core project. See https://github.com/marchaos/telldus-core-js/
i've also added events for devices and sensors.