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How to use InsertOrReplace in BLToolkit.3

I start using BLToolkit and there is a new advantage: InsertOrReplace When I try to use it there is an exception: "InsertOrUpdate method does not support identity field ''" My Model here:

    public class Margin
      [PrimaryKey, Identity]    public int      id;
      [NotNull]                 public string   StoreID;
      [PrimaryKey]              public int?     PrTypeID;
                                public decimal  MarginRate;
      [Association(ThisKey = "PrTypeID", OtherKey = "ProductID", CanBeNull = true)] public Product Product;


Call the method:

 db.InsertOrReplace(new CSSWarranty.DataModel.DataModel.Margin()
                                          MarginRate = newMargin.Margin,
                                          PrTypeID = newMargin.ProductTypeID == 0 ? null : newMargin.ProductTypeID,
                                          StoreID = newMargin.StoreID,
                                          id = newMargin.MarginID

May be someone can say how to use the next construction: db.Margin.InsertOrUpdate(x,y) All regards!

I don't understand why this example is working:

    public class Notification
        [PrimaryKey]    public      string NotificationID;
                        public      string     Note;


 var db = new RetailerDb()
db.InsertOrReplace(new DataModel.DataModel.Notification()
                                  Note = note,
                                  NotificationID = "ConfirmNote"

DB class:

private var db = new RetailerDb();

public class RetailerDb : DbManager
    public RetailerDb() : base("DBConnection")

    public Table<DataModel.Margin> Margin
        get { return GetTable<DataModel.Margin>(); }


  • So far I've managed to find out from the bltoolkit / Source / Data / Linq / Query.cs class:

    public static int InsertOrReplace(IDataContextInfo dataContextInfo, T obj)
        else if (field.IsIdentity)
            throw new LinqException("InsertOrUpdate method does not support identity field '{0}.{1}'.", sqlTable.Name, field.Name);

    The static method is called from the bltoolkit / Source / Data / Linq / Extensions.cs class:

    public static int InsertOrReplace<T>(this IDataContext dataContext, T obj)
        return Query<T>.InsertOrReplace(DataContextInfo.Create(dataContext), obj);

    It seems that Identity fields raise an exception.

    [PrimaryKey, Identity]    public int      id; //remove this field or change the column definition


    Take a look at how the following classes are defined:

    public class Patient
        public int    PersonID;
        public string Diagnosis;
        //more class definition
    public class Person
        //some class definition
        [Identity, PrimaryKey]
        //[SequenceName("PostgreSQL", "Seq")]
        [SequenceName("Firebird",   "PersonID")]
        [MapField("PersonID")] public int    ID;
                               public string FirstName { get; set; }
                               public string LastName;
        [Nullable]             public string MiddleName;
                               public Gender Gender;
        [MapIgnore]            public string Name { get { return FirstName + " " + LastName; }}
        [Association(ThisKey = "ID", OtherKey = "PersonID", CanBeNull = true)]
        public Patient Patient;
        //more class definition

    And here is the sample usage in a test method:

    public void InsertOrUpdate1()
        ForEachProvider(db =>
            var id = 0;
                id = Convert.ToInt32(db.Person.InsertWithIdentity(() => new Person
                    FirstName = "John",
                    LastName  = "Shepard",
                    Gender    = Gender.Male
                for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        () => new Patient
                            PersonID  = id,
                            Diagnosis = "abc",
                        p => new Patient
                            Diagnosis = (p.Diagnosis.Length + i).ToString(),
                Assert.AreEqual("3", db.Patient.Single(p => p.PersonID == id).Diagnosis);
                db.Patient.Delete(p => p.PersonID == id);
                db.Person. Delete(p => p.ID       == id);

    You can see that there is no usage of InsertOrUpdate for the Person class, but there is for the Patient class. So, the method is supported only when you pass in non-Identity fields.

    Note: InsertOrUpdate is obsolete but it's still being used in the tests in the project source code. Still, it should have no impact, just think of it as InsertOrReplace.