I have two domain classes:
class User {
String nickname
class Episodes {
String name
User sentBy
I want to make a Ranking about who has sent more episodes.
So I did this query, and gives me the result that I want.
SELECT user.nickname, count(episodes.id) total
FROM user
JOIN episodes on user.id = episodes.sent_by
GROUP BY user.nickname
What's the best way to run this query in my Controller? How?
I would use HQL for this:
def results = User.executeQuery(
'SELECT e.sentBy.nickname, count(e) as total ' +
'FROM Episodes e ' +
'GROUP BY e.sentBy.nickname ' +
'ORDER BY total desc')
The result will be a list of Object[] arrays, with the 1st element being the nickname and the 2nd being the count, e.g.
for (Object[] row in results) {
println "User ${row[0]} has ${row[1]} episodes"