I'm using spree 1-2-stable, and I'm using spree-paypap-express 1-2-stable branch (tried with master too but failed again). When I try to checkout an order and select PayPal express as the payment method it fails with an error: "Gateway Error: translation missing: en.the_totals_of_the_cart_item_amounts_do_not_match_order_amounts". For some reason the order total does not match cart item amounts. I spent whole weekend on this and still have no idea why this is happening.
The issue only happens if I include shipping with price > 0 (it works if I set the shipping price to 0). As soon as I change the shipping price to be a value >0 or some % it breaks. I tried with both "Shipment including VAT" true and false - same thing.
Any ideas? Is this a bug in ppx or I'm I missing something?
UPDATE: 12/12/12
Here are the values I'm using to reproduce the problem: I am using VAT (icnluded in the price - 25%), the price of the item I'm trying to purchase is 265 EUR (the currecy does not matter), item quantity is 1 and the shipping is 15EUR (again vat is included in shipping price) this is flat order tax.
I get the error that order total does not match summed items amount. After some debugging i found that indeed those are different before sending to PayPal.
Why are is my total calculated wrong? I'm using the 1-2-stable branch of spree. My gemfile:
gem 'spree', :git => 'git://github.com/spree/spree.git', :branch => '1-2-stable' #gem 'spree_usa_epay' #gem 'spree_skrill' gem 'spree_auth_devise', :github => 'spree/spree_auth_devise', :branch => '1-2-stable' gem 'spree_paypal_express', :github => 'spree/spree_paypal_express', :branch => '1-2-stable'
My real question is how do I recalculate shipping and taxes just before the payment step (after the delivery step) and also how do I override the calculators so that they calculate correctly?
After lots of debugging I found few bugs with the spree_paypal_express gem.
those issues combined were causing checkout problems.
For the first issue i set opts[:tax] = 0
when the tax is negative and for the second implemented logic which gets the selected shipping method (with the corresponding price) instead of the hard-coded one.