So it is clear with NetworkX that they use an algorithm in n^2 time to generate a random geometric graph. They say there is a faster algorithm possible with the use of K-D Trees. My question is how would one go about attempting to implement the K-D Tree version of this algorithm? I am not familiar with this data structure, nor would I call myself a python expert. Just trying to figure this out. All help is appreciated, thanks!
def random_geometric_graph(n, radius, dim=2, pos=None):
G=nx.Graph()"Random Geometric Graph"
if pos is None:
# random positions
for n in G:
G.node[n]['pos']=[random.random() for i in range(0,dim)]
# connect nodes within "radius" of each other
# n^2 algorithm, could use a k-d tree implementation
nodes = G.nodes(data=True)
while nodes:
u,du = nodes.pop()
pu = du['pos']
for v,dv in nodes:
pv = dv['pos']
d = sum(((a-b)**2 for a,b in zip(pu,pv)))
if d <= radius**2:
return G
Here is a way that uses the scipy KD-tree implementation mentioned by @tcaswell above.
import numpy as np
from scipy import spatial
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
nnodes = 100
r = 0.15
positions = np.random.rand(nnodes,2)
kdtree = spatial.KDTree(positions)
pairs = kdtree.query_pairs(r)
G = nx.Graph()
pos = dict(zip(range(nnodes),positions))