I have a domain object called OurCompany and I'd like to be able to deliberately insert a row mostly full of nulls. When a user fills in a form though, I'd like to validate it and not allow blanks.
class OurCompany {
static constraints = {
enterpriseName blank:false, nullable:true
String enterpriseName
static belongsTo = [measurement:Measurement]
When I create the empty row in the database, I turn off validation and it works fine.
ourCompany = new OurCompany();
Later, when I update the row, the validation is ignored and the record saves even though there is a null / blank value.
def ourCompany = loadOrCreateOurCompany();
def industrySectors = loadIndustrySectors();
bindData (ourCompany, params)
if (ourCompany.hasErrors()) {
ourCompany.errors.allErrors.each {
} else {
How do I tell grails that I'd like the DATABASE to accept nulls, but when validating, not allow nulls or blanks?
That's what Command Objects are for