I have an insertRecord function in vb.net that uses a parameter query. If there is no error date given, I need to insert dbnull.value into the db instead of ""(Nothing).
Dim strErrorDate2 As DateTime = Request.Form("dateOfErrorDatePicker2").ToString
.Add(New SqlParameter("@ErrorDate2", If(strErrorDate2 <> Nothing, strErrorDate2.Date, DBNull.Value)))
I keep getting conversion errors on dbnull to string. Originally it had it's own if/else block where I initialized the variable, but I couldn't figure out how to convert it correctly. I tried the inline if, but I still need to do a conversion or try something else.
Any ideas? The problem is that when I insert an empty string or DateTime into the database it records as a min possible date such as 1/1/1900.
EDIT: "Cannot infer a common type, 'object' assumed." That's the error I'm currently getting.
It's because strErrorDate2.Date is a DateTime and System.DbNull.Value is an object. Either Direct Cast strErrorDate2 to object in the IF() or do something like this
Dim oErrorDate2 as Object = System.DbNull.Value
If strErrorDate2 <> Nothing Then oErrorDate = strErrorDate2
.Add(New SqlParameter("@ErrorDate2",oErrorDate2))