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FaultContract inheritance

I have several WCF service contracts, all of which contain exactly the same method StopOperation, having the same signature:

public interface IMyServiceA
    void StopOperation(TaskInformation taskInfo);

    // other specific methods

What I'd like to be able to do is to extract StopOperation into an interface, IStoppable, and have all my services inherit this operation. However, I have a problem with the FaultContract definition, as it defines a concrete fault type.

Is it possible to have FaultContract refer to an abstract ErrorBase type, and have the concrete ones specified by KnownContract somehow? Kind of like:

public interface IStoppable
    void StopOperation(TaskInformation taskInfo);

No matter where I tried specifying KnownContract, it didn't seem to take.


  • Have you tried using a generic type ?

    For instance:

    public interface IStoppable<T> where T : ErrorBase
        void StopOperation(TaskInformation taskInfo);

    Then you'd say

    public interface IMyServiceA : IStoppable<ServiceAError>
        // other specific methods

    Haven't tested this, but I don't see any reason why this shouldn't work.