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Ckeck the presence of xml tag using oracle

     <wbi:content wbi:name="1st_status">
         <wbi:value xsi:type="xsd:string">Success</wbi:value>

this xml is in a table which has a column in the form of CLOB type.

I wanted to find if "wbi:value" tag exists in this xml or not ?

I tried using existsnode but in sql developer it is saying an error as to declare existsnode.


  • yes use existsnode:

    SQL> with yourdata as (select to_clob('<wbi:event xmlns:wbi="http://foo" xmlns:xsi="http://x" xmlns:xsd="http://d">
      2  <wbi:appData>
      3      <wbi:content wbi:name="1st_status">
      4          <wbi:value xsi:type="xsd:string">Success</wbi:value>
      5          </wbi:content>
      6      <wbi:content wbi:name="2nd_status">
      7          <wbi:value xsi:type="xsd:string">Failure</wbi:value>
      8          </wbi:content>
      9      </wbi:appData>
     10  </wbi:event>') c from dual)
     11  select existsnode(xmltype(c), '/wbi:event/wbi:appData/wbi:content','xmlns:wbi="http://foo"')  is_exist
     12    from yourdata t
     13  /


    existsnode(xmltype(c), '/wbi:event/wbi:appData/wbi:content','xmlns:wbi="http://foo"')

    1 = exists 0 = does not exist.

    note that in my sample, i had two matching nodes (as i didn't filter on wbi:name). you can filter the xpath of course. eg:


    to limit matches to the "1st_status" one