In Excel you can open a CSV file and click on "Text to Columns" (under "Data" tab) to have a column delimited file.
Is there any way to simulate this using X++? A class that would open the CSV file and apply the exact same Excel "Text to Columns" action?
You can use the InFieldDelimiter method of the CommaIo class to use the correct delimiters.
Or use str2con to split a string.
You can even read an Excel file using ExcelIo.
As your file is not CSV use str2con
for (con =; commaIo.status() == IO_Status::Ok; con =
if (lineNum > 1 && conlen(con))
con = str2con(conPeek(con,1));
This may not remove quotes and trailing spaces, do this for interesting string fields:
purchId = strRtrim(strRem(conPeek(con,3),'"'));