I captured raw audio data stream together with its WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE struct. WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE is shown in the figure below:
Following the standard of wav file, I tried to write the raw bits into a wav file. What I do is:
write "RIFF".
write a DWORD. (filesize - sizeof("RIFF") - sizeof(DWORD)).
=== WaveFormat Chunk ===
write "WAVEfmt "
write a DWORD. (size of the WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE struct)
=== Fact Chunk ===
write "fact"
write a DWORD. ( 4 )
write a DWORD. ( num of samples in the stream, which should be sizeof(rawdata)*8/wBitsPerSample ).
=== Data Chunk ===
write "data"
write a DWORD (size of rawdata)
write the raw data.
After getting the wav file from the above steps, I played the wav file with media player, there is no sound, playing with audacity will give me a distorted sound, I can hear that it is the correct audio I want, but the sound is distorted with noise.
The raw data can be find here
The wav file I generate is here
It is very confusing to me, because when I use the same method to convert IEEE-float data to wav file, it works just fine.
I figured this out, it seems the getbuffer releasebuffer cycle in IAudioRenderClient is putting raw data that has the format same as that passed into the initialize method of the IAudioClient.
The GetMixFormat in IAudioClient in my case is different from the format passed into the initialize method. I think GetMixFormat gets the format that the device supports.
IAudioClient should have done the conversion of format from the initialized format to the mixformat. I intercept the initialize method, get the format, and it works like a charm.