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Disabling caching in Fluent Nhibernate for a specific override

We're using convention based mapping with Fluent NHibernate. The mapping looks like so:

                Table.Is(x => string.Concat(x.EntityType.Name.ToLower(), "s")),
                PrimaryKey.Name.Is(x => "Id"),
                Cache.Is(x => x.ReadWrite())

For most of our objects this is perfect but on certain objects I wish to disable the 2nd level cache. However it doesn't appear that I can do this. There is no fluent option for Cache.None. I've even tried Not.Cache() but that didn't work either.

Has anyone got any ideas on how I can disable the cache for certain selected model objects?


  • Ok, I managed to find it after some digging around jogged an idea:

    1. Remove the shortcut Cache.Is(x => x.ReadWrite()
    2. Create a new convention class:
    public class CacheableConvention: IClassConventionAcceptance, IClassConvention 
        public void Accept(IAcceptanceCriteria criteria)
            criteria.Expect(x => x.EntityType.IsNotAny(typeof(Content), typeof(InstanceSetting), typeof(Profanity))); 
        public void Apply(IClassInstance instance)
    1. Add the convention to the AutoMappings.
    2. Done!