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Error while using REST api in magento

I have set up magento locally in my system using XAMPP

I have created a file in root directory named dm.php with the contents

* Example of products list retrieve using Customer account via Magento REST API. OAuth authorization is used
$callbackUrl = "http://localhost/dm.php";
$temporaryCredentialsRequestUrl = "http://localhost/mage2/oauth/initiate?oauth_callback=" . urlencode($callbackUrl);
$adminAuthorizationUrl = 'http://localhost/mage2/oauth/authorize';
$accessTokenRequestUrl = 'http://localhost/mage2/oauth/token';
$apiUrl = 'http://localhost/mage2/api/rest';
$consumerKey = 'enhksf7u33p3snubewb6zcq0z9c63bvv';
$consumerSecret = 'p7e835cdcxofokeep749jgzz4l1e306p';

if (!isset($_GET['oauth_token']) && isset($_SESSION['state']) && $_SESSION['state'] == 1) {
    $_SESSION['state'] = 0;
try {
    $oauthClient = new OAuth($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, OAUTH_SIG_METHOD_HMACSHA1, $authType);

    if (!isset($_GET['oauth_token']) && !$_SESSION['state']) {
        $requestToken = $oauthClient->getRequestToken($temporaryCredentialsRequestUrl);
        $_SESSION['secret'] = $requestToken['oauth_token_secret'];
        $_SESSION['state'] = 1;
        header('Location: ' . $adminAuthorizationUrl . '?oauth_token=' . $requestToken['oauth_token']);
    } else if ($_SESSION['state'] == 1) {
        $oauthClient->setToken($_GET['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['secret']);
        $accessToken = $oauthClient->getAccessToken($accessTokenRequestUrl);
        $_SESSION['state'] = 2;
        $_SESSION['token'] = $accessToken['oauth_token'];
        $_SESSION['secret'] = $accessToken['oauth_token_secret'];
        header('Location: ' . $callbackUrl);
    } else {
        $oauthClient->setToken($_SESSION['token'], $_SESSION['secret']);
        $resourceUrl = "$apiUrl/products";
        $productsList = json_decode($oauthClient->getLastResponse());
} catch (OAuthException $e) {

But this is giving me the following error

Fatal error: Class 'OAuth' not found in D:\Webserver\xampp\htdocs\dm.php on line 19

Can anybody shed some light on this Thanks

Since oauth is not possible to install in xampp windows i changed the contents of my dm.php file to this.

$ch = curl_init('http://localhost/mage2/api/rest/customers');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$customers = curl_exec($ch);
echo $customers;

Now i am getting an error like this

{"messages":{"error":[{"code":403,"message":"Access denied"}]}}

What am i doing wrong?


  • First of all Go to magento admin panel System->Webservice->RESt Roles->Guest->Resources Access ->SET ALL

    Similarly Go to System->Webservice->RESt Attribute->Guest->Resources Access ->SET ALL

    Then Hit this url http://****/chanchal/magento/api/rest/products in web Browser and check what error it shows....

    According to me it must show product in your website in xml format.

    Please let me know..

    EDIT: I configured a localhost just now and got this output refer the Screenshot. Be sure there is product in your magento.enter image description here

    Similarly follow the above steps for admin,customer then create a Ouath consumer from admin panel , Install RESTClient For Mozilla Firefox And follow Here

    These for steps are necessary for the setup..the link might help you..

    Authentication Endpoints

    1./oauth/initiate - this endpoint is used for retrieving the Request Token.

    2./oauth/authorize - this endpoint is used for user authorization (Customer).

    3./admin/oauth_authorize - this endpoint is used for user authorization (Admin).

    4./oauth/token - this endpoint is used for retrieving the Access Token.

    Let me know if you have any issues.

    Best of luck