I want to make my Drupal 7 site look like exactly like www.io1.biz
what should I do? the difference is that I want to add three views of latest content types instead of that three columns below the biggest image... and I want to change the pictures. what should I do? should I user panels or customize drupal regions? It looks like simple. if the answer is panels,my site has some ajax problems with panels,that I don't know how to fix this at the moment.[issue is here and here ] and which theme should I use? the only thing is to add border-bottom to the h1 tags! I think.... is there any theme that I can make this subtheme simply with drag n drop?? thank you masters
Use Zeropoint theme it have three regions option and copy paste the page.tpl.php and rename it to page--front.tpl.php and customize it to your requirement.
io1.biz website is very simple, you can easily make a copy of this site.