Is there a very short expression in iGraph 0.6 for python 2.7 to see if two vertices specified by index are connected by an edge or not?
I found somewhere:
are_connected(v1, v2)
but in python I would get an error message: "NameError: global name 'are_connected' is not defined"
The above expression could be for R or just totally wrong. I don't know. R is not enough for what I'm trying to do with my project.
My graph is undirected and has many sequences of vertices and edges (vs and es) described in this tutorial:
Update: I've found is_multiple and is_mutual and I think each of them could do the trick, yet I still get the error: "NameError: global name 'are_mutual' is not defined".
On the internet I couldn't find an example of how to implement it correctly. I'm still looking.
class has function get_eid(v1, v2, directed=True, error=True)
that returns arbitrary edge between vertices specified by their indices. In you call it like this:
g.get_eid(v1, v2, directed=False, error=False)
it will return -1 if the vertices are disconnected, and some edge otherwise.