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Inflate an XML in Fragment programmatically

I have as my first Fragment and the another Fragment being having a TabHost in it. When user clicks on a button in MainActivity, I want to inflate an XML in second fragment's Tab1.

OnClickListener of the Button in MainActivity is as follows:

btOkButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(View v) {

        LayoutInflater lf = getLayoutInflater();

And updateTab1(..) method in Fragment class is:

public static void updateTab1(LayoutInflater lf) {
        lf.inflate(R.layout.xml_to_inflate, (ViewGroup)llTab1, false);


llTab1 = (LinearLayout)getActivity().findViewById(;

I am not getting any Exception while doing this, nor Force Close.

In Debug I can see all of this code run without any exception but no required XML being inflated.


  • Finally what worked for me:

    As working with fragments I had missed following line in onCreate() to make the inflater object work:

    inflater = getActivity().getLayoutInflater();

    and keeping the rest of code as it is.