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Node.js winston logger; How to start from a newline when insert log into log file?

I'm making a Node.js app and I am using Winston for most of my logging purposes. But I find all records in log file in one line, I want to change line for every log record, any way can do this? My code;

var winston = require("winston"); var logger = new(winston.Logger)({
transports: [
new(winston.transports.File)({filename: './log/logFile.log', handleExceptions: true, json:true})


Just like that:




  • It is not winston issue. Winston uses Unix style for new line (i.e. only one character xOA).

    You just need stop using Windows Notepad, and start using other text editor (like Notepad++, Sublime) or IDE like Enide Studio.

    BTW newer winston has options for time format.