I am creating test cases for my app developed using Mojolicious framework. I am testing the routes for appropriate responses for the REST calls that are made. I use JSON as a means of communication between the server and client. To test GET
requests I use the following functions
GET : get_ok()
POST: post_json_ok()
DELETE: delete_ok()
but for PUT
I am not able to use put_ok()
. And example of my usage of put_ok() would be
my $t = Test::Mojo->new;
$t->put_ok('this/is/url/to/resource'=>{ "element" => "modified value"})->status_is(204)
I get a bad request status every time(400) and so the test fails. I use Test::Mojo
for testing my application.
Additional information:
$t->put_ok('http://localhost:3000/application/instances/system/test'=>{"model" => "testing put"})->status_is(204);
This is the exact test for PUT
request that is attempted.
is a property of resource test
that is being attempted to be changed to testing put
and the expected status response is 204
The mapping to the controller is done by
$r->route('/application/instances/system/:id, id => qr/[A-Za-z0-9 ]+/ -> via('put')
->to(controller => 'system', action => 'update_sys');
This route calls the update_sys
method in the system
controller and that is how the resource is located.
Actually, after discussions with SRI on IRC, he pointed me to an example almost identical you your needs in the documentation.
# Test custom transaction
my $tx = $t->ua->build_json_tx('/user/99' => {name => 'sri'});
->json_is('/message' => 'User has been replaced.');
So this should work for you!
You might be interested to know that this discussion has brought some progress: the next release of Mojolicious (version 3.66) will now have a cleaner syntax for this purpose, the new request_ok
method. The above example can then be rewritten as
my $tx = $t->ua->build_json_tx('/user/99' => {name => 'sri'});
->json_is('/message' => 'User has been replaced.');