In my project, I have a large container with a handler for taps. Inside this container, I also have a button. My goal is to handle all taps on the background container UNLESS the user clicks on the button. Unfortunately, when I click on the button, it fires both the click handler on the button AND the tap handler for the container.
Here's some example XAML:
<Grid Width="250" Height="250" Fill="Red" Tapped="Container_Tapped">
<Button Click="Button_Clicked">
<Rectangle Width="20" Height="20" Fill="Blue" />
Is there a way to handle the tap event on the button to prevent it from bubbling to the container? Any other ideas?
In your Container_Tapped
event handler you could check the RoutedEventArgs.OriginalSource Property. If e.OriginalSource
is a descendant of your button do nothing.
For that Visual.IsDescendantOf Method could be helpful.