I'm using best_in_place gem so I can edit multiple students in my index view.
The problem though, is that the usuability is bad. I have to click, type the info, enter/click and click again to edit another information.
Is that a way that I can press Tab to go trough the fields?
Here is the code of the Index:
<% @students.each do |student| %>
<td><%= link_to .name, edit_student_path(student) %></td>
<td><%= best_in_place student, :oral %></td>
<td><%= best_in_place student, :writing %></td>
<td><%= best_in_place student, :participation %></td>
<td><%= best_in_place student, :grammar %></td>
<td><%= best_in_place student, :presence, type: :select, collection: [["Present", "Present"], ["Absent", "Absent"], ["", "-"]] %></td>
<% end %>
I found this: https://github.com/bernat/best_in_place/tree/master/lib/best_in_place
Ok. This is what I get now, But still's not working :/ Any Ideas?
<td><%= best_in_place allan, :oral, :html_attrs => {:tabindex => 10} %></td>
<td><%= best_in_place allan, :writing, :html_attrs => {:tabindex => 11} %></td>
jQuery ->
$ ->
$('span.best_in_place').focus ->
el = $(this)
el.find(el.data('type')).attr('tabindex', el.attr('tabindex'))
I think you can hack around a little bit using tabindex
HTML attribute and focus
event like this:
<td><%= best_in_place student, :oral, :html_attrs => {:tabindex => 10} %></td>
<td><%= best_in_place student, :writing, :html_attrs => {:tabindex => 11} %></td>
<td><%= best_in_place student, :participation, :html_attrs => {:tabindex => 12} %></td>
<td><%= best_in_place student, :grammar, :html_attrs => {:tabindex => 13} %></td>
<td><%= best_in_place student, :presence, type: :select, collection: [["Present", "Present"], ["Absent", "Absent"], ["", "-"]], :html_attrs => {:tabindex => 14} %></td>
and this JS
$(function() {
$('span.best_in_place[data-html-attrs]').each(function() {
var attrs, el;
el = $(this);
attrs = el.data('html-attrs');
if (attrs && attrs['tabindex']) {
el.attr('tabindex', attrs['tabindex']);
}).focus(function() {
var el;
el = $(this);
That last line of the JS code is searching for the element type of BIP form and assigns the tabindex
so the order of tabbing is maintained.
UPDATE: The CoffeeScript version of the above JS
$ ->
$('span.best_in_place[data-html-attrs]').each ->
el = $(this)
attrs = el.data('html-attrs')
el.attr('tabindex', attrs['tabindex']) if attrs and attrs['tabindex']
.focus ->
el = $(this)