I have multiple domains.
domain.ro ... etc
All are pointed to the same root folder via Parked Domains. So .htaccess file is the same for all.
Also is have a php language script and a php currency script witch help users changing the language via session variables.
The link looks like this: index.php?lang=en¤cy=USD
(this are default session variables 'en' AND 'USD' ).
How can i setup .htaccess so when somebody click on www.domain.dk to redirect to ?
How can i setup .htaccess so when somebody click on www.domain.ro to redirect to ?
etc ...
Thank you. Florin
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} \.dk$
RewriteRule ^$ /index.php?lang=da¤cy=DKK [QSA]
#repeat for .ro