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Set Categories on DateNavigator

My friend seems to be having some trouble with ABAP. Here's a copy of his question - posted on the SAP community forums.

Hey Everyone, I am trying to mark the DateNavigator with two categories. I made a context called Marking, with attributes Date, Category and Tooltip.

Node: Marking

  • Date:
  • Category:
  • Tooltip:

I filled category attribute with two categories : e_category-three and e_category-four. I filled the Date attribute with dates. I want some of these dates to be category-three and others category-four.

Currently, all dates are set to the first category (e_category-three) and the code looks like this.

if ls_host_name-host_name <> host_msg and ls_vm_name-vm_name = vm_msg.
  loop at lt_machine_booking into wa.
    if ls_host_name-host_name = wa-host_name.
        date = wa-reserved_from.
      while date <= wa-reserved_till.
        ls_dates_shared-dates = date.     > i want these dates to be e_category-three
        append ls_dates_shared to lt_dates_shared.
        add 1 to date.
elseif ls_host_name-host_name <> host_msg and ls_vm_name-vm_name <> vm_msg.
    loop at lt_machine_booking into wa.
      if ls_host_name-host_name = wa-host_name and ls_vm_name-vm_name = wa-vm_name.
        date = wa-reserved_from.
        while date <= wa-reserved_till.
          ls_dates_shared = date.       > i want these dates to be e_category-four
          append ls_dates_shared to lt_dates_shared.
          add 1 to date.
      " ... 


  • I'm assuming that ls_dates_shared is of type marking?

    If this is the case you have to fill the fields ls_dates_shared-category and ls_dates_shared-tooltip explicitly.

    Currently this may be filled prior to the code snippet that you give us. Try something like this:

    if ls_host_name-host_name <> host_msg and ls_vm_name-vm_name = vm_msg.
      loop at lt_machine_booking into wa.
        if ls_host_name-host_name = wa-host_name.
            date = wa-reserved_from.
          while date <= wa-reserved_till.
            ls_dates_shared-dates = date.     "i want these dates to be e_category-three"
            ls_dates_shared-category = e_category-three.
            "ls_dates-tooltip = appropriate_tooltip for e_category-three"
            append ls_dates_shared to lt_dates_shared.
            add 1 to date.
    elseif ls_host_name-host_name <> host_msg and ls_vm_name-vm_name <> vm_msg.
      loop at lt_machine_booking into wa.
        if ls_host_name-host_name = wa-host_name and ls_vm_name-vm_name = wa-vm_name.
          date = wa-reserved_from.
          while date <= wa-reserved_till.
            ls_dates_shared = date.       "i want these dates to be e_category-four"
            ls_dates_shared-category = e_category-four.
            "ls_dates-tooltip = appropriate_tooltip for e_category-four"
            append ls_dates_shared to lt_dates_shared.
            add 1 to date.