As I found no Information about my concern on google, I will try it here.
On Visual Studio 2010 it was possible to create Custom Start Pages. I did one by my own a year ago and I'm used to it now.
Well, as Visual Studio 2012 released, I wasn't able to use my (VSIX) Custom Start Page anymore.
On MSDN I found this: How to: Upgrade Visual Studio SDK/VSIX Projects to Visual Studio 2012, but after I made everything it still didn't work.
The Problem actually is, that there is NO "Start Page Project Template" (To find in Extension Manager) as in Visual Studio 2010.
So I found this: How to: Manually Create a Start Page, but its completly false and copy/paste as it leads to Visual Studio 2010 though it tells Visual Studio 2012 at the top.
After the Tutorial I got this:
<Grid xmlns:sp="clr-namespace:Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI;assembly=Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.StartPage"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<Label Content="My ListView:" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Foreground="White"/>
<ListView Width="Auto" Height="Auto" Margin="10,40,10,10" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
That doesn't work in VS2012, but in VS2010 it works like a charm.
Well at least I had no choice, than to try things out by my own. I used the tutorial in the last link I provided (How to: Manually Create a Start Page).
Beginning: Creating a Blank Start Page and on Step 5: In the editor, change the top-level UserControl element to a Grid element without removing any of the namespace declarations.
I didn't do that - I let it be a UserControl and I was able then to choose the XAML from the Tools>Options>StartPage>Customize Start Page , well the only problem is now, that I cant have CodeBehind, cause I had to remove the x:Class (Take a Look at Step 6)..
And inlinecode in the XAML is not an option, so please if someone can help me; how exactly I upgrade my VSIX Custom Start Page to VS2012 or how I create a working Blank StartPage with Codebehind ability or if I need to wait until someone releases the Start Page Project Template for VS2012, I would really appreciate it..
At least I wasn't able to solve my problem.. I created then everything from scratch and with InlineCode (for sure with XAML and WPF)