I am having trouble with my decoder and was wondering if anyone could help me out?
basically, i am trying to build a decoder for my steganography encoder, the encoder places a bit from a message on the LSB of every Byte from in the sound file
the Decoder job is to collect those bits up and create a new message out of them
the code is meant to do the following:
Go to message array location.
set bitindex to 0 an increment till 7 // (8 bits to a byte)
go to sound array location
if soundbit is equal add 0 to new byte otherwise add one to end of new byte
perform bitshift left once
increment bitindex
by using various printf
's I can tell you it runs smoothly about 3/4 times before crashing.
Hope that makes sense the actual loops look like this:
int mIndex, sIndex, bitIndex, mask;
char *message[9];
mask = 1;
mIndex = 0;
unsigned char *soundFile = LoadWavAudioFile("boomedit.wav");
int soundFileSize = GetSizeOfWavFile();
bitIndex = 0;
for(mIndex = 0; mIndex < 8; mIndex++)//index for message
for(sIndex = 0; sIndex < soundFileSize; sIndex++)//index for soundfile
for(bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < 8;)
int test;
if((soundFile[sIndex] & mask) > 0)//is message bit > 0
*message[mIndex] = (soundFile[sIndex] | 1);//adds a one to message byte
*message[mIndex] = *message[mIndex] <<1; //shift bits 1 placce left
{ //no change the LSB to 0
*message[mIndex]= soundFile[sIndex] & 254; //adds a zero at end o
*message[mIndex] = *message[mIndex] <<1; //shifts bits 1 place to left
printf("\n hiddden letters:%s\n", *message); //print message
printf("\nalert 5\n");
Hope that helps anything will be helpfull.
The problem is here:
char *message[9];
You've made an array of 9 pointers to characters, you don't assign them any value or allocate them any memory. They're uninitialized.
The first thing you do now is deference one of those uninitialized pointers:
*message[mIndex] =
Thus you crash.
You can initialize it to all NULL
s via:
char *message[9] = {0};
But you still can't use that, not it will just seg fault on deferencing a NULL pointer. You have to assign some memory to these to be useful.. for example you could do:
message[0] = malloc(100); // I don't know how much you need for your strings
message[1] = malloc(100); // that's up to you, so I'm just arbitrally picking 100 bytes
message[2] = malloc(100); // here to illustrate the point.
message[3] = malloc(100);
message[4] = malloc(100);
message[5] = malloc(100);
message[6] = malloc(100);
message[7] = malloc(100);
message[8] = malloc(100);
Then you'll have to free each of them when you're done. Is this want you wanted? An array of strings?
This line:
printf("\n hiddden letters:%s\n", *message); //print message
implies to me that you were really after just a single string...