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Import Export configurable products in Magento

I am on a urgent project where I need to import and export configurable products with proper mapping to simple products and additional images too.

I started by buying a plugin for import export for $99 from Magento Connect but it did not do as promised. We followed the recommended procedure several times. It can map configurable with simple but cannot map additional images.

Then I tried using a custom solution but it fails to map the quantity as well as additional images..

Next I stumbled upon this great tool called MAGMI. I tried to import using this tool but although it does the import correctly, it shows up a warning for each configurable product:

No configurable attributes found for configurable sku: dress1 cannot link simples.

How can I fix this error?


  • For magmi to import configurables, you have to set "configurable_attributes" column in your csv and fill it for configurable type lines,and also to read the configurable plugin wiki documentation carefully that may guide you on the many possibilities it offers