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Leadbolt implement error

I have been trying to implement Leadbolt ads in my app but I am unable to set the Adlistener on the Controller. The methods I can add are nothing like the methods described in the pdf. I can display ads in my app, but cannot use listeners.

This is my code:

 final Activity act = this;
                  myController = new AdController(act, MY_LB_SECTION_ID, new AdListener() {

                    public void onDismissScreen(Ad arg0) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


                    public void onFailedToReceiveAd(Ad arg0, ErrorCode arg1) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


                    public void onLeaveApplication(Ad arg0) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


                    public void onPresentScreen(Ad arg0) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


                    public void onReceiveAd(Ad arg0) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated method stub




The error I get is: The constructor AdController(Activity, String, new AdListener(){}) is undefined

This is the code from the pdf file, but these methods seem to be unknown for eclipse:

final Activity act = this;
AdController myController = new AdController(act, 
"MY_LB_SECTION_ID", new AdListener() {
public void onAdLoaded() {
public void onAdClicked() {
public void onAdClosed() {
public void onAdCompleted() {
public void onAdFailed() {
public void onAdProgress() {
public void onAdAlreadyCompleted() {
public void onAdHidden() {} // function is deprecated
public void onAdPaused() {
public void onAdResumed() {

Any ideas, what am I doing wrong? I haven't added anything to the Manifest.


  • To Leadbolt:

    It turned out that; or com.Leadbolt.AdListener; collided with import; which is the AdMob AdListener. That's why I couldn't add the import statement.

    You should extend your documentation, so if your listener collides with any other ad networks, how to use it, because it's not obvious. MobFox is also using com.adsdk.sdk.AdListener.

    To use your AdListener while using other ad networks' AdListeners, this is how my first line looks like:

    public class MainActivity extends Activity implements AdListener, {

    The first one is MobFox, the second one is AdMob. I didn't implement leadbolt's AdListener, because I am using it in the code:

    AdController myController = new AdController(act, MY_LB_SECTION_ID_BANNER_ALL, new {

    This way it's working.