Right now my pchart
week graph display like this way,
But I want to
display week on x-axis 12/2-8, 12/9-15
('month' followed by '/' followed by 'start date', followed by '-', then 'end date')"
You generate the legend you can have
$weekLegend = getWeekLegend();
var_dump($weekLegend); // for debug purpose
array (size=8)
0 => string '12/09-15' (length=8)
1 => string '12/16-22' (length=8)
2 => string '12/23-29' (length=8)
3 => string '12/30-05' (length=8)
4 => string '01/06-12' (length=8)
5 => string '01/13-19' (length=8)
6 => string '01/20-26' (length=8)
7 => string '01/27-02' (length=8)
Adding it to your dataset defination
// Dataset definition
$DataSet = new pData;
$DataSet->SetAbsciseLabelSerie("Serie2"); //<------ set pChat to use legend
Function Used
function getWeekLegend($week = 8) {
$start = new DateTime();
$start->modify("last sunday");
while ( $week > 0 ) {
$date = $start->format("m");
$date .= "/";
$date .= $start->format("d");
$date .= "-";
$start->modify("+6 day");
$date .= $start->format("d");
$start->modify("+1 day");
$weekLegend[] = $date;
$week --;
return $weekLegend ;