I want to register a custom property editor for one of the properties of a domain class, the class is something like this
class Accessory{
String name
byte[] image
From the client side i am sending a base64 encoded string for the image, now i want this string to automatically convert to byte array at the time of binding
My property editor class looks like this
import java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
class CustomAccessoryImageEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport{
String getAsText() {
void setAsText(String text) {
String encodedImage = text?:""
byte[] imageBytes = decodeImageToBytes(encodedImage)
value = imageBytes
byte[] decodeImageToBytes(String encodedImage){
return Base64.decodeBase64(encodedImage)
I am not able to find a way to register this editor properly.
Right now i have something like this in my registrar class
registry.registerCustomEditor(byte, Accessory.image, new CustomAccessoryImageEditor())
but when i run this, i get an error message saying cannot find property image on class Accessory
I have two questions, 1. Is it possible to have a property editor for a specific property of a class ? 2. If yes then how to specify the property path ?
I don't think it is possible to have a property editor for a specific property of a class. But if the image property was of type Image (a wrapper for byte[]) then you could register an editor for that and Spring would bind an encoded text representation to the custom wrapper.