We are creating a Magento store with many educational products. Many products are free booklets, but there are shipping costs for the order.
If I create an order with only free products and go through checkout, no payment methods will display and I can't complete the order.
How do I get the payment methods to show?
Some additional information:
I have solved this issue myself. Here's how:
First, make a local copy of the file app/code/core/Mage/Payment/Block/Form/Container.php (Copy the file to: app/code/local/Mage/Payment/Block/Form/Container.php)
Then go to line 119 and change:
$total = $quote->getBaseSubtotal();
$total = $quote->getBaseGrandTotal();
I've tested the change by placing an order of free products and finishing the order in the back-end. It all seems to work properly.