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How to get current orientation of device programmatically in iOS 6?

I have developed an iOS App and tested it on iOS6 device. While testing, I realized that my App is not responding to Orientation changes as expected.

Here is my Code:

// Autorotation (iOS >= 6.0)
- (BOOL) shouldAutorotate
    return NO;

- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations
    return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll;

- (UIInterfaceOrientation)preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation
    return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait;

Precisely, I want to know that what Methods are called on Orientation Changes in iOS.


  • You can try this, may help you out:

    How to change the device orientation programmatically in iOS 6



    UIDeviceOrientation orientation = [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation]


    if UIDevice.current.orientation.isLandscape {
        // Landscape mode
    } else {
        // Portrait mode