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I keep getting a "[...]/bin/*-ar: not found" error while building the V8 javascript engine for Android

I'm trying to build the V8 javascript engine for Android but I can't succeed for some reason. I follow the instructions given here. It all starts very well. I can issue the make android_arm.release -j8 command from my terminal and it seems very sweet for a while. Then suddenly I get this output:

/bin/sh: 1: /home/dbm/android/ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/*-ar: not found

The statement is correct: there is no *-ar file at the specified location.

But what is an *-ar file? And how can I resolve this error?

The environment is a beast running Ubuntu 12.10 on a 64-bit architecture (with ia32-libs installed) and I build for/with/against Android NDK r8c.


  • There seems to be a problem in Ubuntu!? Anyway - extracting via tar -jxf worked for me. See