Drawable image = Drawable.createFromPath(newImagepath);
The image is stored in the newImagePath variable which is a String. The above throws an outOfMemory Exception.
I also tried retrieving the image into a Bitmap object.
Bitmap bitmapImg= BitmapFactory.decodeFile(newImagepath);
In the above case the bitmapImg is Null. (Without any exception)
However if it is retrieved as a file, it's successful. This doesn't serve my purpose because I want this image to be the background of a RelativeLayout.
File imageFile = new File(newImagepath);
String imgPath = imageFile.getAbsolutePath();
The imgPath is the same as the newImagePath, concluding the path is not wrong. I also verified the image's existence in the SDCard.
This image was captured from the device's camera. This code is working on the emulator successfully. When debugged on the device the above said faults were noticed. I also tried:-
BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
It seems to be a memory issue. So I suggest to decode bitmap size with the option
options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
then getting the size of this bitmap by looking at fields (don't try to use bitmap : it will be null) :
Then creating a scaled bitmap (depending on the screen dimension). To do this, you can look at