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xcodebuild / Jenkins can't find the PROVISIONING_PROFILE for an iOS job

I can build with Jenkins/xcodebuild when the project has the correct Provisioning Profile selected.

We want to be able to set the provisioning profile in xcodebuild.

Unfortunately, when the jenkins user runs


...Lots of build output...

Check dependencies

Code Sign error: Provisioning profile 'XXX' can't be found

I can run the same line and have it work with a regular user account, accessing the file in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/

The provisioning profiles are stored in /Users/Shared/Jenkins/LibraryMobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

Anyone know where else the Jenkins user would be looking for these?


  • To answer this question: the provisioning profiles must be named after the UUID.

    If you download and do not rename a .mobileprovision file, it will not be read by xcodebuild

    A script for doing so is in another StackOverflow answer