I have a one-to-many relationship between the following example classes:
Class Home {
static hasMany = [loans: Loan]
int numStories
Class Loan {
static belongsTo = [Bank]
Home home
int yearIssued
Class Bank {
SortedSet loans
static hasMany = [loans: Loan]
boolean active
I'm trying to write a named query that gets all active Bank objects that have Loans issued in 2007 on Homes of 2 stories. In the Bank namedQueries I tried:
static namedQueries = {
myNamedQuery { yearIssued, numStories ->
eq 'active', true
loans {
gt 'yearIssued', yearIssued
home {
eq 'numStories', numStories
If I remove the "home { eq ... }" portion above, the query works fine, it just doesn't limit to 2 stories. When executed as above, I get a groovy.lang.MissingMethodException error like:
No signature of method: package.stuff.Home.call() is applicable for argument types
values: [package.stuff.Bank$__clinit__closure3_closure10_closure20_closure21@746231ed];
Possible solutions: wait(), last(), save(), any(), getAll(), wait(long)"
How would I limit the Banks returned to those that have loans on homes with 2 stories?
Well, after many attempts I was never able to get it working using the direct association dsl with more than one level of association. I was able to get it to work using aliases:
static namedQueries = {
myNamedQuery { yearIssued, numStories ->
eq 'active', true
createAlias 'loans','l'
createAlias 'l.home','h'
gt('l.yearIssued', yearIssued)
An then call it using
def bankInstanceList = Bank.myNamedQuery(2007,2).list()
I'm not sure at the moment why this is - could be a bug or just designed behavior I don't understand.
Hopefully this at least gets you going...