I have tried variations on starting activities including this link and the Google prescribed way of starting a background script in SL4A.
However I only need to know the command for opening the actual SL4A application through the adb shell. It is confusing which activity in that mass of code should be launched first. Also the command:
adb shell am start...
does not have the best documentation. Could someone please just give me the command to launch SL4A from adb?
Thank you so much
So the goal was to be able to start the application from adb as if you were physically pushing the icon on your home screen. To do this I looked at the logcat data and found out that the first activity that was being launched was ScriptManager so therefore to start the application, I needed:
adb shell am start -n com.googlecode.android_scripting/.activity.ScriptManager
or in a generic case:
adb shell am start -n <package>/<activity>