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Fire a one-way ajax call

I have a WCF service which takes a long time to process the first time it is called, and then caches those results in HttpRuntime.Cache. In order to initialize this cache I'd like to trigger a fire-and-forget ajax call from javascript.

Right now I have this javascript in the page:

    type: 'GET',
    url: getServiceURL() + 'PrimeCacheAjax',
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

Where the PrimeCacheAjax function just performs a dummy call to populate the cache.

The only issue with this approach is that the page with this ajax call is a type of landing page which executes some javascript, opens another window and closes itself. When the window closes itself before the server responds, I see a cancelled request in fiddler. I am concerned that this may lead to situations where the ajax call may not reach the server, is this possible?

Is there a way to specify (using $.ajax()) that no response will be coming, or does it not really matter?


  • Only time it will matter is if the request to the server is not complete. You should check to make sure the call is at a readyState value of 2 [aka sent], before exiting.