I am making a simple Android application. The primary function is, I want to read in data from an NFC tag. I already have the basic app built (not much more than the Hello World app). I'm using Eclipse. I have the Android Application Record on the tag, and the app successfully launches when my tag is scanned. I'm just not sure how to continue. I need to:
In addition to the AAR, have a four digit number stored in the tag.
When the tag is scanned, have the app open and the four digit number stored in a local variable (using intent I think?).
Any help appreciated, as well as the simplest code possible that'll get the job done. This is my first Android app and first time using Java.
In your launcher Activity you should check the intent type if it is the same as you stored in the tag - getIntent.getType(). Then you can read data from the tag using this code:
Parcelable[] rawMsgs = intent.getParcelableArrayExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_NDEF_MESSAGES);
NdefMessage msg = (NdefMessage)rawMsgs[0];
NdefRecord cardRecord = msg.getRecords()[0];
String message = new String(cardRecord.getPayload());
If its a number, then you need to parse it from message. I hope this helps you.